
All you need to know about public transport in Poland

– Abz. (Poznań, Poland)

Copyright and about free licences

Published: 2023-07-10, last modified: 2023-10-15

Note: In the event of any differences between the Polish and English language versions, the Polish version takes precedence.

Your rights

If you send me a story from your trip, a photo, or anything else, I will always wait for your clear permission before I post it anywhere. Even if you give me such permission, you will retain the copyright you are entitled to.

If you use the comment system, you must know that it is provided by a third party company (Disqus, Inc.). In that case, the terms of use of that company apply.

If somewhere on this site content created by you is posted against your will, please be sure to contact me! Probably somewhere on the internet it is described as available under a free licence, I will try to point you where.

My rights

All content on this site is protected by Polish copyright law. The author of the site (including, in particular: the text content of all pages, all photographs, the source code) is me – with the exception of elements where indicated otherwise (see below), the comment system and the comments themselves. I may also use elements which are not protected by copyright (which are in the public domain).

As I mention in the footer, I like free culture and may allow the use of my works under free licences. However, there are some works that have a special value for me (especially photos), and there are some that have required a huge amount of work from me – and because of this (but also for other reasons), I may not grant a free licence for some parts of the site. For this reason, it is forbidden to reproduce or distribute (or anything like that) any work of mine without my written permission (all rights are reserved). Please contact me if you wish to receive such permission.

Others’ rights

If I use something prepared by someone else somewhere on the site, I make an appropriate note of this. The information that a particular work (e.g. a photo, a piece of text) is not my own can take various forms - for example, a comment: "story submitted by a reader", " free-licensed graphic", "photo sent"; author's signature, etc. If a particular content has been published under a licence that requires additional information to be provided (e.g. the full text of the licence), such information (or a link to it) will be available in the content description. If this information does not include the re-use policy, it should be presumed that the copyright belongs entirely to the author of the content in question, who has given permission to publish it on abzpp.com.

As I mentioned, I use things published under free licences by others. Wherever possible, I indicate who is the author of the thing in the place where the thing is placed. However, sometimes this is not possible, which is why I want to mention a few more people here. I would like to thank, first and foremost:

  • Mozilla Foundation, for publishing under the SIL Open Font License the font Fira Sans, which I use, among other things, in the header and icon of this page, as well as in article titles;
  • Łukasz Dziedzic, for creating and publishing under the SIL Open Font License the font Lato, which is used for most of the text on this site;
  • The Asap Project Authors, for creating and publishing under the SIL Open Font License the font Asap, which I use, among other things, in the subtitles of my articles.

On the website, I use the comment system created by Disqus, Inc. Here, too, the rules of this company apply in terms of copyright.

– Abz. (Poznań, Poland)